Sponsors 2016

X-pole er nr. 1 når vi snakker Poles. De er verdens mest brugte mærke. Udviklingen og standarden for deres poles er den bedste, for begynder som professionelle. Her er design og funktion i en klasse for sig.
X-Pole er de førende til opsætning af poles til diverse konkurrencer i hele verdenen samt Danish Nationals. X-Pole tilbyder ikke kun poles, men bl.a. også workshops med nogle af verdens dygtigste Pole udøvere samt uddanner instruktør i hele verden.
Setting up profesional competition poles and sponsoring prices to the winneres.
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goyogi.dk er Scandinaviens førende online butik indenfor tøj og udstyr til hot yoga, pilates, pole og fitness. Vi har specialiseret os i at finde de flotteste design og bedste produkter til din træning. Alle vores produkter er miljøvenlige og produceret med størst omtanke for miljø og mennesker. Vi er sikker på du vil elsker vores produkter lige så meget som vi gør.
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Shoe Me Gorgeous
Pole dance sko til enhver smag 🙂
Web: https://www.shoemegorgeous.com/shop-by-style/pole-dance-shoes
Facebook: fb.com/shoemegorgeous
Twitter and instagram user is @shoemegorgeous

Point Out Polewear
PointOut Polewear is a brand created and based in Athens Greece. The idea itself came into our minds after we met, tried and fell in love with pole dancing. At that time, we had two great loves pole and fashion! We immediately thought that it was a challenging project to combine those two loves and create something pole-tastic!
From our first attempts in pole dancing, the one thing that would ring through our ears all the time was: “Point your toooooooes... POINT them…”, so having that in mind and taking into consideration that we need to make a statement while wearing our apparel, Point out was born...
From the very beginning, our goal was to create stylish and comfortable clothes suitable for pole dancing, but also suitable for yoga, pilates, aerial acrobatics and fitness.
All point out clothing is made with love and care. Our main focus is the high quality and design of clothes along with ensuring that they provide great functionality which gives you the security and freedom you need to perform. The materials used are of high quality that which stand up to the intensive practicing routines, sweating spells and frequent washing.

Wink’ prides itself in offering Dancewear and Costumes for Pole Dancing, Aerial Arts, Yoga and Fitness. The brand offers glamour, and unique design that will appeal to every dancer. ‘Wink’ designs and manufactures their clothing in the UK using the best quality fabrics and has dressed some of the best international dance and fitness stars! All garments are designed to work well for its chosen dance style, so not only looks great but stays in place and provides support where needed. 'Wink' also offers custom dancewear or if you would like to sell your own dancewear as a trade customer.
Wink Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8_NvrKKHoA
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Charlotte Robertson
Charlotte Robertson
UKPPC professional 1st place 2014 🙂 2015 World Pole Dance Championships Finalist,
2015 Pole Art Cyprus Finalist
Miss Pole Dance UK 2014- 2nd place, MPD UK Doubles Champion 2013.
Owner of Girls Love fit Pole & Aerial, Performer, co-director of Poletrition, Dragonfly & X pole ambassador

Candyass Clubwear
Candyass Clubwear is a fun and sexy range of clubwear and pole wear as well as rave wear and fancy dress based in the South West of England. Candyass Clubwear hope to bring you great quality and a friendly service. All of their items are custom made in the UK, offering unique styles including one off pieces as well as matching outfits for groups. With a wide range of printed and sparkly fabrics to choose from, there is something for everyone with Candyass Clubwear.
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Pole Move Box
The Pole Move Box, the box filled with Pole inspiration!
Easy to use tool for Pole schools and for home practicing.
Contains over 600 different cards, showing moves, spins, holds, seats, climbs and inverts.
All named and labelled to indicate difficulty. Well organised in alphabetical order in each category.

Pole Emporium
Pole Emporium was an idea that was born in July 2014 and created in August 2014 by its owner Colleen Budd through a conversation with friends about the lack of good quality and variety of pole clothing in the UK.
Issues such as long wait times, import charges and the fit of the clothing was something that was mentioned time and time again.
With this in mind Pole Emporium were the first UK store to stock Bad Kitty clothing in large quantities to the general public.
We have now gone on to increase our stockist list with companies from all around the globe including large brand names such as Pleaser, Pole Candy, Itac2, Wink and many more.....
Exclusively and uniquely to Pole Emporium we offer the opportunity to not only shop on line using our website www.poleemporium.co.uk, but we also offer customers the chance to visit our shop in Brighton via a private appointment, enabling our customers to try the goods before making a purchase.
Why not team a visit to the seaside with a visit to Pole Emporium for a cuppa, the chance to talk pole and to try the lovely good we have to offer!
Follow us https://twitter.com/PoleEmporium
https://instagram.com/poleemporium/ https://uk.pinterest.com/poleemporium/,

Mille Robson
Millie Robson is a photographer that has been specializing in pole dance images since 2008, as a pole dancer herself she has a deep understanding of the art form and knows how to capture it's true beauty.
She always strives to provide a beautifully unique photo.

Føtex sørger for frugt og vand til vores skønne deltagere og blomster til de pladserede.
Nørregade 15-27
7100 Vejle

LinusPro Nutrition er en Dansk producent af proteinpulver, kreatin og mange andre kosttilskud til motion og styrketræning. LinusPro Nutrition produkterne er af høj kvalitet og er helt sikkert produkter vi vil anbefale.
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Samarbejdspartner WAAPA
Vi kan nu løfte sløret for et samarbejde med WAAPA, som tilbyder vinderene af Danish Nationals at gå videre til internationale konkurrencer. De arrangere både Europa mesterskab og Verdensmesterskab og vinderene er inviteret til at deltage i begge 😀

Middelfart Sparekasse
Middelfart Sparekasse
Middelfart Sparekasse er kendt for sin ledelsesstil og værdier, der har ligget til grund for, at pengeinstituttet gennem flere år har ligget blandt Danmarks bedste arbejdspladser og Europas bedste finansielle arbejdsplads. Middelfart Sparekasse er en garantsparekasse med ca. 14.000 garanter. Fra at have været en lille fynsk sparekasse er Middelfart Sparekasse i dag et pengeinstitut med godt 250 medarbejdere og mere end 60.000 kunder. Middelfart Sparekasse engagere sig i mange forskellige ting herunder kan nævnes, Det Danske Musical Akademi, DHV Odense, Team Rynkeby og mange flere.

Spin City
Spin City is one of the largest specialist aerial fitness schools in the UK. With five studios and instructors all across the country, we aim to provide a fun and challenging approach to aerial fitness in a welcoming and professional environment. Director of Spin City Kate Edwards (nee Johnstone) now specialises in training other instructors how to teach Pole Fitness, Aerial Hoop and Pole Fabric applying her extensive fitness background to help educate instructors worldwide. Spin City's pioneering approach to Instructor Training unites cutting edge fitness techniques with an array of aerial equipment. Kate has written eight certified aerial fitness courses which are accredited internationally with ACE, AFAA, REPs, SkillsActive and the PDC. Alongside her training courses, Kate also writes and produces the ‘Pole Bible’ and the ‘Aerial Hoop Bible’ two of the leading education resources available for aerial dancers worldwide.
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JenZen ApS, betegnes som total leverandørinden for IT.