Sponsor info and packages
Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsor

Jeres firma navn
Guld sponsor
Sponsere minimum 3000 Kr, eller præmier af tilsvarende værdi.
Ingen rabatkoder eller gavekort der ikke dækker et fuldt køb hos jer, tak.
Dette får i til gængæld:
En plads på hjemmesiden med jeres logo (300 x 300 pixels), tekst og link
Reklame på vores Facebook side, med logo tekst og link
Reklame på vores Instagram, med logo tekst og link
Reklame via jeres egene flyers til konkurrencen
Reklame på scenen, flere gange under konkurrencen
Reklame på scenen, når vinderene bliver præsenteret
Hvis i har lyst til at sponsere konkurrencen, vil vi meget gerne have denne info fra jer.
Information om hvad i vil sponsere
Et logo til reklame og en mulig ”fame wall”
Den tekst i gerne vil have til jeres logo
Et link til jeres hjemmeside.
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Hvis i har lyst til at sponsere konkurrencen, vil vi meget gerne have denne info fra jer.
Information om hvad i vil sponsere
Et logo til reklame og en mulig ”fame wall”
Den tekst i gerne vil have til jeres logo
Et link til jeres hjemmeside.
Diamond Sponsor

Your name
Diamond sponsor
This sponsorship is only available for sponsors who goes above and beyond.
You get in return:
A spot on PR material
A spot on our website, with your logo (500 x 500 pixels), text and link
Promotion on our Facebook site, with your logo, text and link
Promotion on our Instagram, with your logo, text and link
Promotion via our Twitter account
Promotion via your own flyers at the competition
Promotion on stage, several times during the competition
Promotion on stage, when the winners are announced.
Gold Sponsor

Your name
Gold sponsor
Sponsor minimum 3000 Dkr. or prices with same value.
Please no discount vouchers or gift certificates that doe's not cover a full purchase in your store or on your website.
You get in return:
A spot on our website, with your logo (300 x 300 pixels), text and link
Promotion on our Facebook site, with your logo, text and link
Promotion on our Instagram, with your logo, text and link
Promotion via our Twitter account
Promotion via your own flyers at the competition
Promotion on stage, several times during the competition
Promotion on stage, when the winners are announced.
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
If you would like to sponsor, we would like from you
Info on what you are sponsoring
A logo for advertising and ”fame wall”
A text you would like to have next to your logo
A link to your website